Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Enter Victoria Talbot

No, Im not tryin to get a jump on Christmas.... I just love Tartan. Although they would certainly be nice for the upcomming holiday events! Enter Ms Victoria Talbot. Victoria Talbot comes in two different designs. The first is a tartan hoop skirt meant to look like an 18th Century gown. The other is a less elaborate yet elegant sheer skirt Ren/wench... or or or whatever you wish it to be. I love theme wear and I like anything that has a multiuse option which is why I usually offer different versions of skirts as ADD-ON Packages. I may well do a short skirt for this in the next couple of days. Its to cute not to. :-)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thats what it reminds me of........................ Playin hookie.
This one comes complete with Flex Ruffle socks not shown here. The tie is seperate from the shirt as well and YES its FLEXED.

Dream On in RED

I already had the Dream On Set in Blue, and now I have it in red too. A plush crushed Velvet trimed in pewter embellishments with a sexy side spilt skirt.