NYMPHETAMINE is a ladies boutique located on SECOND LIFE and specializes in unique Women's clothing from naughty and nice to just plain BRATTY!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Howdie :-) I love the Mae West Dress and it really held the potential to be taken outside its realm. I created a BabyDoll Add-On Flex skirt which totally change the look of it yet kept its personality.
Add-On Set Includes: Underskirt, Undershorts and FLEX Prim Babydoll Skirt. Comes in 6 colors as does the Mae West Dress.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Every Saturday night we do a nice, romantic mixture of MOTOWN and BLUES at SEA GRAPE RESORT for COUPLES. If your looking for a relaxing, low key place to chill and listen to some killer tunes then come join us! Nimani Cooper starts spinning the tunes at 7:30PM Game time and ends at 9:30pm. IM me and I'll be happy to TP ya over. :-)
New playful, sexy sets today are decked out in FUR FUR FUR!
JUST FOR FRILLS Sets Come in 4 different colors- White, Pink, Purple and Mint. White set is shown below.
Accessory ADD-On Package: JUST FOR FRILLS HAT and BOA SET, includes Hat and FUR FLEX BOA which also come in white, pink,purple and Mint.
You can reach NYMPHETAMINE by clicking the NYMPHETAMINE link to the upper right corner of this blog. :-)
See ya there!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Irie and welcome to my blog. My friend Astry surprised me with this blog thingy. She's always looking out for me and knows how duh I can be when it comes to technical stuff (Thank you Assy). With the SL forums (may they rest in peace) taking a nose dive I suppose personal blogs are the way to go although I really was hoping not to have to resort to one. I HATE, no, I DESPISE having to think up things to say about my clothing. My mind goes blank and the more I think of something to say the goofier it ends up sounding.
Thank GOD for spellcheck! I lean towards the artsy side and NOT the brainiac area.
If you would like to trade blog links, you can either shoot me a email with the appropriate info to inciirie@yahoo.com or IM me in game and I will get you up and going ASAP.
Having said all that, lets get it started.
TellTale Salsa Sets posted today at my shop NYMPHETAMINE, are sassy sexy and bold. Each set includes: Strap Lace Top, Lace Boyshorts, Lace Arms, Flex Arm Ruffles and bouncy flex skirt. Set comes in 6 different color variations to chose from as shown here.